Travel addict

Travel Addict

Travel addict Hi, My name is Penny and I am a (travel) addict.

I am addicted to travel. I love to travel. My trips are long and I book everything myself and the internet is my friend. Travel is not just a luxury or a leap of leisure but an important element in my life and well being. It is essential life experience. I have this need. During the day I find myself taking a mini mental vacations and I look at the globe and wonder where will I go next? How long can I be gone? Then my heart starts to beat my forehead starts to perspire and my mind starts to Google. I am an addict.

I use my credit card for everything in hopes to being closer to another business class ticket. Since I must spend the money for necessities and of course pay it off each month my Citi Advantage card is my friend. I will eat at special restaurants to earn triple miles and I will buy on-line to acquire the extra points. I am an addict and I know there is no rehab for this addiction. I can no longer play with the tickets in my hands since all tickets are emailed. My passport is my passport through the many terminals of life.  I read it like a book and the stamps that I receive from the different countries are tattoos that I will never want to have removed. I am so very happy that there is no cure.

Are you a travel addict too?

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